"Cercetați toate lucrurile, si păstrați ce este bun!"

Apostolul Pavel

The speakers are blasting a techno beat punctuated by the descending, repetitive four-note tune that can be heard as the suspense leitmotif in most of the Bond movies, the lights are dim, and along with the hum of the wheels there is a lot of heavy breathing. You can very well be in the middle of an action packed James Bond movie; however, what you're witnessing is a spinning class, a workout routine available at almost every single fitness club around the world. Spinning is a relatively recent phenomenon, where participants take part in a group workout on exercise bikes that typically lasts approximately one hour. The classes are being taught by instructors who normally guide participants through a series of phases, from warm-up to more challenging phases, to a period of peak effort followed by a cool down. Therefore, “out of the saddle, jog, big hill coming up, downhill fast” are queues that prompt the class participants to follow the described path.

Vara, soare, vacanta si un lan de floarea soarelui! Aceasta ar fi pentru mine definitia personala a fericirii, fireste pentru fiecare dintre noi fericirea inseamna altceva! Nu voi insista asupra lucrurilor conventionale si cvasi-cunoscute de care (teoretic) fericirea noastra ar depinde…cine nu isi doreste o familie, sanatate, siguranta materiala, talent sau statut social?

De fiecare data cand vad un lan de floarea soarelui simt o bucurie launtrica, dublata de o doza mare de optimism! Floarea aceasta, mare, rotunda si galbena imi inspira sentimentul ca atat timp cat in lume ne putem bucura de lucruri simple si frumoase, mai exista inca speranta!

The year is 1535; the setting is a medieval English village; their Royal Majesties are holding court discussing grave matters of state; fairies are causing troubles; dashing knights are quick to draw their swords to impress the beautiful wenches; pirates chase dragons with a cup of ale; jesters and gypsies are loud and boisterous; and there is even a mud boy stealing kisses from coy maidens! No, it is not a figment of my imagination; it is the much anticipated Georgia Renaissance Festival which occurs each year during the spring weekends, in Fairburn, Georgia; a city close to Atlanta.

In today's modern world, free trade is a factor of a country's strength, freedom, and independence. While most of the world's countries benefit off of free trade, some, refuse to trade with any country, and their country is confined to the supplies and resources limited within its borders such as North Korea. Our beautiful country of North America, however, is a completely different story. Seeing the economic benefits of free trade, North America has given the opportunity to conduct exchanges in trade with over-seas countries. Some may say this is beneficial to the economy, however others would prefer for this act to be more limited. Naturally, any political act and decision will have its supporters; as well as those who are in staunch opposition.

In urma cu o suta de ani, la data de 10 aprilie, 1912, pe coasta Angliei pornea in primul, si din nefericire, ultimul sau voiaj transtlantic, croaziera de lux, Titanic. O adevarata minune a tehnicii moderne si a progresului, nava transantlantica Titanic apartinea Liniei Maritime White Star Line, a fost construita la santierele Harland & Wolff din Belfast, Irlanda si surclasa in lux si opulenta toate rivalele din epoca sa. Pasagerii de la clasa intai aveau la dispozitie un bazin de inot, o sala de sport, un teren de squash, sauna si o cafenea cu terasa. Camerele de zi de la clasa intai erau demne de interiorul aristocratic al unui palat, placate cu lemn scump, mobila si obiecte de arta foarte valoroase. Existau biblioteci si frizerii atat la clasa intai cat si la clasa a doua. Camerele de la clasa a treia erau placate cu lambriuri din lemn de pin si mobila solida din lemn de tec.

Ce te uimeste din prima clipa la Tina Munteanu, tinara soprana a Teatrului National de Opereta “Ion Dacian” din Bucuresti, este zambetul sau fermecator, un zambet pe masura talentului sau urias care pe buna dreptate i-a adus recunoasterea si admiratia publicului meloman atat din Romania cat si din strainatate. Cine este Tina, "noua Angela Gheorghiu" cum o rasfata admiratorii genului liric, vom afla in randurile de mai jos, prin intermediul interviului acordat revistei noastre. Draga Tina, iti multumesc inca odata si pe aceasta cale pentru raspunsul tau entuziast!


Mara Circiu: Dincolo de talentul incontestabil expus pe scena, de persoana vivace pe care o intuiesti in poze, cine este Tina?

Tina Munteanu
: Un suflet de copil…

Înțelepciunea proverbelor românești dedică un întreg capitol banilor, astfel știm cu toții că banul…la ban trage, că in general nu aduce fericirea (deși unii sceptici consideră că aceasta depinde mai mult de numărul lor!) și este de preferat să străngem “bani albi” pentru zile negre. Suntem așa de obisnuiti cu bancnota sau moneda din mâna noastră încât uităm de mult ori că pentru o lungă perioadă de timp economia complexă a omenirii a supraviețuit fără o singură monedă în mână!

an interview with Father Peter Smith, St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church, Norcross, Georgia

Each Sunday morning in the St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church in Norcross, Georgia, a congregation of devout Christians is lead in prayer and worship by their dedicated and passionate priest, Father Peter Smith. The first things I noticed upon my meeting Father Peter in person were his happiness and zest for life! In his warm and friendly manner, Father Peter was kind enough to partake in this interview, and I consider myself blessed and honored to share in his very profound message and to have such an esteemed guest for my publication. Because faith lives by example, I would like to introduce you all to Father Peter. You will discover an amazing person, who has served as a spiritual leader for many years; who loves God and His people; and who can teach all of us more about how to live a life worth living in the light of God.

- a candid interview with the man himself, Santa Claus!

It is that time of the year, and whether you are young or just young at heart, you cannot help but smile when you see him: a big, friendly, smiling man, dressed in red! I was fortunate to meet him in person, and because I know you all want to know more about him, our dear Santa Claus, here is a little more information about him. Thank you very much, Santa Claus, for always cheering us up, for your warm smile, the presents and the wonderful memories you give us every year!

Conferinta femeilor din cadrul Bisericii Elim din Lawrenceville, Georgia

Într-o lume agitată, în care suntem mereu angrenați simultan în proiecte multiple, în care o nouă zi înseamnă de cele mai multe ori o nouă problemă, seara de vineri, 28 octombrie, 2011 pe care am petrecut-o în prezența unui numeros grup de femei în cadrul Conferinței Femeilor organizată de catre Comitetul Doamnelor din cadrul Bisericii Elim din Lawrenceville, Georgia a reprezentat o oază de liniște, un moment de introspecție și dătător de speranță.