"Cercetați toate lucrurile, si păstrați ce este bun!"

Apostolul Pavel

What an exciting summer it has been with graduations. We have one more congratulations to give: Andreea Mondoc has graduated from college and is now a certified Social Worker. Andreea is our first college graduate and we couldn’t be more proud of her. Sarah and Steffi have known Andreea since she was nine years old. We have watched her grow up and had the opportunity to assist her in completing high school and then college. We know Andreea is going to do great things in her life and make a huge impact in Romania! Congratulations Andreea!

Firm Foundations Romania (FFR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to see lives transformed. Our missions is to support and assist orphan and Roma children through love and care, resources, education, and sharing about the hope that God provides. Although our programs started back in 2005, we officially became Firm Foundations Romania in 2010 with our 501c3 headquarters based in Northern California.

Want to get involved with Firm Foundations Romania? While not everyone has the opportunity or time to come volunteer, there are other ways to help. Our projects run successfully by people giving and donating much needed items and supplies. Currently our most needed items are:

What an amazing night! Last Sunday, Rotary Kronstadt (Brasov) hosted a musical charity event at the Opera Braşov to help support a very talented 15-year-old Romanian violinist named Octav Parlea. Octav’s dream is to attend a prestigious music school in London. It was a night full of music, as a crowd of around 100 guests filled the historic Brasov Opera. Various Romanian musical artists joined together in support of this event.

It is always a joy for me to have new programs develop under Firm Foundations Romania to be able to reach more Roma people in their community. Below is an update from one of our long-term volunteers from England who is the project manager of our new program for Roma Teenage Mothers.

Our Teen Mums’ programme began on 18th October, and through a trial and error approach, and lots of prayer, is growing and forming and flourishing.

So far...

• We’ve had 6 young Mums attend, 5 regularly, with 7 children between them ...and more on the way!

For Romanian students the school year and FFR’s programs start up again in September. We are thrilled to have more Romanian children join our programs and have more Romanian teachers jump on board with us to run our programs.

The After School Program (ASP) now has four full time Romanian teachers, who love God and of course children. Silvana Hagiu who worked with us this past year is now the Project Manager. Her husband Nicu, who often subbed and assisted last year, has joined full time which the children will be so excited about as they asked for him often.

Firm Foundations Romania loves summer time because it means sunshine, warmth and Vacation Bible School in the Roma village called Budila. Rachel Titiriga, one of our project managers for our After School Program shared this story about a week of fun with the Roma children from our programs!


“The last week of June, the After School Program 5th-8th graders attended an English Camp run by Lyndsey Marcu from Building Bridges Changing Hearts. For five days the kids were broken up into four groups where they were able to work together and learn all about teamwork.

Silvia is a baby who first came to us in February. She has spent some time in ICU and some time at home since then, but has spent the majority of the past 4 months with us. We have watched her learn to walk and learn to talk, been a part of her giggles and comforting her tears. She is an adorable bundle of joy, who enjoys company and always blows us a sweet kiss when we leave. We think she is around 18 months old.

You!​ Firm Foundations Romania is a non profit organization based in Brasov, Romania where we assist orphans and Roma children through love and care, educational programs, and sharing the message of hope. We are looking for Romanians based in the USA to help us from a far! Below are the list of needs. Thank you!

FFR is a non-profit organization whose focus is to love the unloved and provide educational opportunities to the forgotten youth of Romania. Our main projects include caring for abandoned babies in the local Children’s Hospital and providing educational opportunities and mentorship to children and teens from the local Roma (Gypsy) community. www.firmfoundationsromania.com

Sponsorships starting at $500. Please contact April Herin at Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. for additional information.

About: www.sarahvienna.com


When: Friday May 20, 2016 ;  Where: WoodsEdge Community Church, 25333 Gosling, Spring, TX; Time: 7:00 p.m.