Firm Foundations Romania loves summer time because it means sunshine, warmth and Vacation Bible School in the Roma village called Budila. Rachel Titiriga, one of our project managers for our After School Program shared this story about a week of fun with the Roma children from our programs!
“The last week of June, the After School Program 5th-8th graders attended an English Camp run by Lyndsey Marcu from Building Bridges Changing Hearts. For five days the kids were broken up into four groups where they were able to work together and learn all about teamwork.
Each day the kids did warm up exercises, had a Bible lesson and memory verse, and lunch was provided. One of the team projects the kids had to do was to make Recycled Robots. They all had so much fun being creative and working together as a team. The final results were really impressive!
Each day a boy and girl were chosen to be the Stars of the Day. It was hard to only choose two kids a day. But the rest of the group was always supportive and cheered on the stars making those chosen feel even more special. The last day we brought all the 8th graders to the front of the room and gave them a ribbon. We cheered for them as they will be graduating out of our After School Program and moving on to High School. We will miss them being in our group and wish them the best of luck for all that God has for them in this next step in their lives. We hope they will come back and visit!
All in all it was an amazing week! The kids had fun, were loved, the Word of God was shared, and songs were sung. Through the teamwork games, new friendships were made. We are so thankful to all Lyndsey and FFR volunteers for their hard work this week.” Written by Rachel Titiriga
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Sarah Vienna
Firm Foundations Romania / President