For Romanian students the school year and FFR’s programs start up again in September. We are thrilled to have more Romanian children join our programs and have more Romanian teachers jump on board with us to run our programs.
The After School Program (ASP) now has four full time Romanian teachers, who love God and of course children. Silvana Hagiu who worked with us this past year is now the Project Manager. Her husband Nicu, who often subbed and assisted last year, has joined full time which the children will be so excited about as they asked for him often. Joy and Estera are both new to the program, full of enthusiasm and ready to get started. God provided these teachers just in time before school started! Our Project Manager Silvana keeps saying, “I have a great team!” God indeed provides!
Seven Roma teenage girls will be moving to Brasov next week to attend high school, living in two apartments with the den parents. The eighth teen living in the apartment graduated high school this past year and will be attending university. We have wonderful den parents and a new teenage project coordinator (Adriana, left picture below) who are working together to make sure that the girls are well prepared for this adventure. We hope and pray that by next year we could open a boy’s apartment as well!
What an exciting season as we kick off our programs! Working in this capacity can be emotionally and physically tiring. Please pray for everyone working with FFR, for protection and strength, for unity within each team, and also for the children in the programs, that they would not only excel in their studies but more importantly will come to know God as their personal Lord and Savior.
If you are interested to sponsor one of our teenager girls please contact me at: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
Thank you!
Sarah Vienna / President of Firm Foundations Romania
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