Consulatul General al României la Los Angeles - O societate non-profit specializată în promovarea culturala şi turismul din România
TV ONLINE TV - LIVE, aici puteţi urmări programe TV în direct
Publicaţii şi website-uri din Europa:
Deutsche Welle
Dilema Veche
Radio Cezareea
Radio Vocea Evangheliei Oradea
Revista Thymos
Radio Emanuel
Publicaţii din Statele Unite:
Romanian Tribune
AGAPIA - Non omnia aedificant - Gelu Murariu - Perspective Creştine, Doru Pope
Hot News RO
Predici Ted Doru Pope
Elim - Biserica Penticostală Elim din Madrid, Spania, Pastor Beniamin Zăgrean
Bethesda Pentecostal Church- Troy, Michigan - Pastor Simion Timbuc
Happy Valley Christian Center- Phoenix, Arizona - Pastor Cornel Avram
EMANUEL ROMANIAN CHURCH- Anaheim, California - Pastor Lazar Gog
MUNTELE SION CHURCH- Kirkland, Washington - Pastor Leontin Goman
PHILADELPHIA ROMANIAN CHURCH - Chicago, Illinois - Pastor Florin Cimpeanu
ROMANIAN CHURCH OF GOD - Brooklyn, New York - Pastor Petru Kokora
Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church - Chicago - Pastor Crisitan Ionescu
Aleluia Romanian Pentecostal Church - Dearborn Heights, Michigan - Pastor Ionica Johnny Buia
Grace Romanian Pentecostal Church - Ypsilanti, Michigan - Pastor Pavel Pop
BISERICA ORTODOXĂ “SFÂNTA MARIA” - Portland Oregon, Rev. Fr. Cosmin Vinţ
Organizaţii creştine:
The Voice of Martirs - Misiunea misionară fondată de Richard şi Sabina Wurmbrand
The Messengers - Muzica, Televiziune-Pastorul Cel Bun, Evanghelizare, Painea Pe Ape-Ajutor umanitar
Noua Speranta Timisoara - Noua Speranta este o organizatie crestina care si-a propus sa fie o mâna de ajutor întinsa adolescentilor, tinerilor si familiilor crestine, si, în acelasi timp, un partener de lucrare pentru toti cei care activeaza în biserici în mijlocul acestor categorii
portalul BETESDA.COM - Site dedicat liderilor de tineret din bisericile evanghelice din Romania, care isi propune facilitarea accesului si partajarii de resurse specifice acestei lucrari (studii biblice, modele de lucrare, muzica, album foto, filme, jocuri, scenete, link-uri utile, recenzie carte, forum de discutii)
Peniel - Fundatia "Peniel" exista ca sa atinga noua generatie cu Evanghelia lui Isus Hristos folosind toate mijloacele adecvate.
Roboam - Romanian Baptists of America - Roboam - casa baptistilor romani de pretutindeni, informatii statistici, adrese, Biblie, etc.
AllSURVIVORS.ORG - O mărturie despre o fetiţă care a fost salvată de la moarte de Dumnezeu prin fratele ei noul născut.
Resurse biblice:
Esword - Jesus told us that since we've been blessed we should bless others. I am happy to provide a blessing to others in the form of free Bible study software!
Theophilos- "In my opinion, this is what Bible software should be all about." Dr. J. D. "Doc" Watson, Technical Editor of Christian Computing Magazine
Bible Gateway - a free service for reading and researching Scripture online
Stephanus Library
Muzică: - Aici puteţi găsi muzică creştină de calitate compusă şi cântată de familia Moldovan Beni şi Dana.
Resurse pentru închinare
THE CYBER HYMNAL - This site has over 4,000 Christian hymns & Gospel songs from many denominations. You'll find lyrics, scores, MIDI files, pictures, history, and more.
Chris Online
Victrolla Music
Christian Guitar Resources - This site was started in July of 2000, to fill a void in the area of Christian tab sites on the internet.
Tempo Music - Tempo Productions publishes music software for churches, develops interactive media for academia and the business market, and leads music software seminars across the United States. Tempo has published music software since 1986.
Worship Together - Inside you will find digital sheet music, Free Song of the Week, New Song Café, online magazine, the Worship Together Store, and much more.
Maranatha Music - Maranatha! catalog includes classics such as the Praise Series, the Colours Label, the Praise Band series, the Promise Keepers series, Kid's Praise, the Top 25 Series, and the Praise Chorus Book.
Christian Copyright Licensing International - Information and services for Copyright Administrators, information about the Church Copyright License.
Praise Net - The focus and purpose of Praise Net! is to bring powerful and complete solutions to the Christian community, and provide accessible resources world wide which are dedicated to worship and praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
Abana Praise and Worship MIDI (NewSong Online) - The purpose for this site is to provide the Christian Internet community with MIDI of the beautiful Contemporary Praise & Worship music sang in many churches today. - Un site dedicat liderilor de inchinare din bisericile evanghelice din Romania, precum si tuturor celor interesati de domeniul inchinarii crestine