"Cercetați toate lucrurile, si păstrați ce este bun!"

Apostolul Pavel

It is always a joy for me to have new programs develop under Firm Foundations Romania to be able to reach more Roma people in their community. Below is an update from one of our long-term volunteers from England who is the project manager of our new program for Roma Teenage Mothers.

Our Teen Mums’ programme began on 18th October, and through a trial and error approach, and lots of prayer, is growing and forming and flourishing.

So far...

• We’ve had 6 young Mums attend, 5 regularly, with 7 children between them ...and more on the way!

•We’ve learnt about Abraham, Esther, the birth of Jesus, Noah, Psalm 139, and Creation, with the keys themes of being ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ and ‘God has a great plan for our lives, you are important to God’.- It has been so encouraging to see how engaged and inspired the Mums have been by these messages so far.

• We’ve made bracelets, photo frames, Christmas baubles, handprint pictures and more! -The girls have loved making the crafts so much they sometimes don’t want to leave!

•We’ve eaten countless biscuit and banana snacks, and drank a lot of tea, even the babies!

• We’ve celebrated 3 birthdays.

• Had conversations about relationships, baby care, and baby health.

• Seen baby weight grow with our baby scales.

For the new year, we have many exciting plans, including giving the girls scrapbooks they can record their time with us in, as well as baby, and Mum, milestones achieved; sharing more bible stories building on the theme of God caring for us; and having ‘guest speakers’ (volunteers who are also nurses/Mums) come and share what they know about breastfeeding, baby hygiene and more!

It has honestly been a joy, and such a privilege, to get to know these young Mums and babies, and see how much they’re already starting to grow and feel encouraged, with the lovely Lidia and Steffi alongside me. I’m so excited to see what more God has in store for us this next year.

Please continue to pray for relationships to grow, for the girls to feel strengthened and empowered in the love God has for them, and for God’s wisdom for us in leading, planning and in reaching out and meeting the needs of these precious Mums and babies.

For more information or to donate towards Firm Foundations Romania please visit our website at

www.firmfoundationsromania.com  or contact Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

Thank you!

Sarah Vienna / President of Firm Foundations Romania